Frequently Asked Questions
Find answers to common questions about osteopathy, appointments, rebates, remedial massage and our clinic.
What is Osteopathy?
Osteopathy is a neuro-musculoskeletal modality focusing on the body through a holistic lens. Osteopaths use a range of techniques and modalities to identify the cause of pain and dysfunction and work to correct these. Through working in a holistic lens Osteopathy is great at looking past symptoms to identify where they are coming from and what is causing them to treat the root cause rather than the symptoms.
An Osteopathic philosophy is “find it, fix it, leave it alone”- A.T. Still, meaning Osteopaths investigate to find the root cause of pain, fix the injury through a range of hands-on manual therapy and hands off modalities including education and exercise, this supports the body’s natural healing properties to function the best in getting individuals back on track.
What does treatment involve?
Osteopathic treatment is a multimodal treatment approach meaning that it uses a range of techniques and approaches to treat one condition. Overall Osteopathic treatment will not only focus on your symptoms but the cause of those symptoms as well. Osteopaths look at the soft tissues including; Muscles, ligaments and tendons, the hard tissues including; joints, bones and cartilage alongside the nervous system. Osteopathic treatment involves a range of techniques to work on all these areas including;
- Soft tissue massage
- Myofascial release and stretching
- Muscle energy techniques
- Joint articulation
- Harmonic techniques
- Joint manipulation and mobilization
- Dry needling
- Postural dynamic inhibition
These techniques are used in conjunction with a range of self-management strategies to optimize your treatment, including;
- Exercise programs focusing on stretching, strengthening and getting moving
- Education
- Postural and ergonomic advice
- Lifestyle advice
What is an Osteopath?
Osteopaths are trained through university and are government registered allied health professionals specialising in musculoskeletal pain management.
All Osteopaths in Australia are registered with the Australian health practitioner regulation agency (AHPRA) and Osteopathy Australia.
Osteopaths have completed a mandatory 5 years of tertiary education to receive their qualifications as an Osteopath. This either includes a Double bachelor’s degree in exercise science and a Bachelor of applied science (Osteopathy), Or; a Bachelor of health science and a masters of Osteopathy.
This training gives Osteopaths extensive expertise in recognising and diagnosing neuro-musculoskeletal conditions which can be appropriately managed through Osteopathic Care. This involves a range of hands on and hands off modalities allowing Osteopaths to take care of you and enable you to care for yourself. Through manual therapy, education, exercise, lifestyle advice and coordinating care; here at total balance Osteopathy we have your best interests at the forefront of all interventions.
Alongside this Osteopaths have received extensive training to recognise conditions which do not fall within our scope of practice including cardiovascular, respiratory, neurological conditions etc. To facilitate appropriate referral and follow up of care so that nothing will be missed.
When should I see an Osteopath?
Osteopaths specialise in pain management; many people will suffer from pain at some point over the course of their life. If that happens to be where you are at Osteopaths may be able to help identify the root cause of your pain and create a management plan to reduce your pain and get back to doing the things that you love.
Osteopaths most commonly treat musculoskeletal problems such as;
- Sports injuries
- Headaches, jaw pain and migraines
- Back and neck pain
- Arthritis
- Postural and mobility problems
- Joint pain
- Back pain during and after pregnancy
- Work related injuries
- Repetitive strain injuries
- Muscle pain and stiffness
- General aches and pains
Are Osteopaths Registered Professionals?
All Osteopaths practicing in Australia are recognised under the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA). This involves specific National regulation and accreditation of practitioners to ensure that no malpractice or conflicts of interest are present with each health professional. More specifically Osteopaths are regulated under the Osteopathic Board of Australia. This board ensures the protection of the public and sets stands and policies which all Osteopaths need to meet to deliver a minimum standard of care.
All our Osteopaths are also registered with Osteopathy Australia, which is the main body responsible for representing Osteopaths, Osteopathy as a profession, Consumer rights and ensuring that Osteopaths maintain a minimum level of education, so they are up to date with the best possible evidence-based procedures.
Is ongoing training required of Osteopaths?
Each year the registration boards of Osteopaths require a minimum level of training to maintain their registration. This ongoing training is known as Continuing Professional development (CPD) and may include courses, lectures, seminars, tutorials and ongoing scientific research. This ensures the continuing professional improvement of individuals and the Osteopathy community with specific objectives being to deliver the best available healthcare to the public.
Do I need a referral to see an Osteopath?
You do NOT require a referral for an osteopathic consultation unless you are to be provided treatment under the Allied Health Medicare Referral Scheme (EPC) or as a Department of Veterans Affairs client.
How is Osteopathy different from Physiotherapy and Chiropractic treatment?
Overall, Osteopaths, Physiotherapists and Chiropractors are similar in the regard that they all treat musculoskeletal conditions, they are all registered health professions and have undergone tertiary education. These professions all use a range of hands-on treatments which are aimed at reducing pain and injuries within the body. Within these and between these professions is a highly varied approach to treating individuals and no two practitioners will treat exactly the same.
Here at Total Balance, Osteopaths work through a biopsychosocial lens, meaning they work with all body systems to understand how individuals’ pain has originated and what is contributing to its presentation. Through understanding this we focus on how all body systems are interconnected and work to maximise the healing potential of the body.
“Osteopaths will look at the whole you to diagnose the root cause of your pain by considering your body, the way it moves, the pain or discomfort you feel, any injuries or soreness you may have, and your health and lifestyle to determine its impact on you, your pain and your health. Osteopaths like to take time to listen to you, understand your concerns and what really matters to you.
Osteopathic treatment is very individualised and may be varied. Often, osteopaths will treat you with a range of techniques, including manual therapy, massage, stretching, mobilisation, manipulation, dry needling and exercise prescription. Osteopathy is a very hands-on profession.
By focusing on the whole person, an osteopath may treat many parts of your body, not just the part that feels sore. For example, if you go to an osteopath with a sore back, your osteo will often treat the neck, shoulders, back and legs because everything is connected, and all of these areas can influence and impact your back pain.” – Osteopathy Australia

Do I need a referral to see an Osteopath?
You do NOT require a referral for an osteopathic consultation unless you are to be provided treatment under the Allied Health Medicare Referral Scheme (EPC) or as a Department of Veterans Affairs client.
Do I need to make an appointment?
Yes, this clinic works via an appointments system. You can check availability and make an appointment directly by phoning (02) 6584 6122 or by completing the form at the bottom of the page (and we will contact you to confirm an appointment time).
Same day appointments can often be accommodated on short notice. However, the clinic can NOT guarantee availability for walk ins, so please contact (02) 6584 6122 to discuss at short notice appointment availability.
What is the clinic opening hours?
We strive to make our opening hours accessible for our clients as possible.
We offer Osteopathy appointments:
Monday 9:00- 6:00
Tuesday 9:00- 5:00
Wednesday 8:00- 5:00
Thursday 9:00- 6:00
Friday 9:00- 6:00
Saturdays (Massage) by appointment only.
Our Remedial massage clinicians are available Mon-Saturday by appointment only.
What if I need to cancel or change my appointment?
The clinic is committed to providing as much flexibility to clients as possible and understand that ‘life happens’.
Appointments may be cancelled or changed up to 24 hours prior to your scheduled appointment time. This can be done by calling the clinic on (02) 6584 6122
In the event you need to reschedule your appointment on short notice please contact the clinic as soon as possible.
No shows and repeat cancellations within 24 hours of your appointment time may result in a cancellation fee equivalent to the full consultation cost as that time has been held for you and made unavailable to other clients.
What do I expect during the first consultation?
Initial consultations are a great time for our clinicians to get to know you and you to know them. We are committed to provide the best care possible so we will ask a range of background questions so that we have the best understanding of your overall health. More specific questions will help us get to the cause of your pain and help guide our treatment and diagnosis. An assessment will then be undertaken to differentiate between possible conditions so that we can provide you with an accurate diagnosis to move on with the treatment of your condition. A plan of action will then be developed and applied to include a range of treatment techniques including hands on manual therapy, education and advice. We will then implement a range of strategies to maintain your condition now and into the future.
How long do the consultations take?
Here at Total Balance Osteopathy & Natural Therapies we take the time to ensure you are getting the best care available to you. This means that we take our time and do not rush through our consultations.
Our appointment blocks are 45 minutes for both initial and subsequent consults so that you get more time to focus on your care. If you do however have time constraints our Clinicians are more than happy to adjust appointments to suit you.
Do I need to bring any previous scans?
Yes please. Any relevant previous scans (x-rays, CT scans or MRIs) may be helpful in looking into your condition more comprehensively and allowing us to form a more detailed clinical picture. This allows us to provide you with the best care possible.
Will I need to get scans?
Scans, including; X-ray, MRI, Ultrasound and CT are not always warranted for us to provide you with an accurate diagnosis and treatment. In many cases scans will not be required in the ongoing management of your care. In saying that there are some circumstances and injuries that Scans can help in identifying specific tissues or injuries which may assist in your pain management. As Osteopaths we can refer you for X-rays directly however may need to coordinate with your GP regarding other kinds of tests if these are required.
What are your consultation rates?
Initial Osteopathic Consultations – $120
Repeat Osteopathic Consultation – $97
Massage 1 hour- $90
Massage ½ hour – $55

Remedial Massage
DO you offer anything other than Osteopathy?
Yes, we do! Here at Total Balance Osteopathy & Natural therapies we also offer Remedial Massage. Alongside our services we also have a variety of other products available which can support your care and rehabilitation including foam rollers, Massage guns, lacrosse and spiky balls, Supplements and tapes.
What is Remedial Massage?
Remedial Massage is a soft tissue therapy focusing on releasing muscles and fascia to restore function to specific areas of the body requiring rehabilitation. It uses a range of massage techniques to facilitate this change and help correct a range of issues within the tissue.
What is the difference between massage and Remedial Massage?
Deep tissue massage is a whole-body treatment which is targeted at releasing muscles and relaxation through the whole body. Remedial Massage is a more targeted therapy which is aimed at specific areas of the body requiring specific rehabilitation and intervention. It uses an approach to assess, diagnose and treat tight muscles and assists you on your rehabilitation journey.

Can I get rebates through my health Fund?
Osteopathy is covered under the Extras Cover component of most private health funds. Rebate amounts will depend on your level of coverage as well as the different health funds. The best way to know whether you are covered is to check directly with your health fund to know exactly what to expect when you come in.
Can I get rebates through Medicare?
To receive a rebate through Medicare you will need a direct referral from your GP. Rebates can be provided for patients under Medicare’s Chronic Disease Management (CDM) Program which allows for subsidised visits to allied health professionals. These plans are available to individuals with chronic pain who have multiple health professionals coordinating their care. Under the CDM program individuals can access 5 subsidised visits per year to allied health professionals, which in some cases may not all be allocated to Osteopathy.
A doctor’s referral is required, and, in most cases, we will require patients to pay a gap charge to cover the remainder of the cost not covered through the rebates scheme.
Do you treat DVA Clients?
The clinic welcomes Department of Veterans’ Affairs clients. These patient’s will require a GP referral to claim through DVA.
Book an Appointment
Make an appointment using the Make a Booking button above or call us directly on 02 6584 6122
We accept private health claims through HICAPS.